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Twentieth Film Society Meeting - Spring 2021

The Gist is a solemn creature, unbound to any plane. Here is what we watched last week.

We watched Willy's Wonderland - directed by Kevin Lewis (2021). We have finally watched every movie that came out in 2021! After Cherry - directed by Anthony Russo, and Joe Russo (2021), and Willy's, we have watched every feature film released in the year 2021. Of course, this is a joke. Willy's Wonderland is similar to a curse in a way. Once turned on, you cannot stop watching. After it is over, all you can think about is, "Why, why Willy's Wonderland?" The reason, "why Willy's Wonderland" is because director Kevin Lewis thought it would be a good idea to run with an idea he had while probably brushing his teeth. Those kind of ideas are not supposed to be remembered past the threshold of a bathroom. Other than a half-baked idea Nick Cage paid more than earned to make, Willy's is an entertaining gambit of animalistic animatronic horror that could not be stopped.

After the film's discussion, Former President and Vice President, Matt Gordon and Sarah Zeman spoke on what the first year of graduate school is like. Supreme Overlord Nehemiah Turner gave a great sell of her game developing/writing skill. President, Chase Turner, and Vice President, Van Cortez shared their future plans of the club. If you would like to hear these discussions, reach out and tell us to share them. We would be happy to oblige.

For more of the same, please go back and listen to our other meetings from the Fall 2020 semester. You can also join in on the fun and watch a movie with us! Contact the Facebook page, email us, or start your own watch party at home!

We will see everyone next semester! Happy finals!

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